DR.khalil M.A ALboursh (2020) واقع التحكيم الهندسي في قطاع غزة ومراحل تطوره , الهندسة .
The Construction sector is in extraordinary and complicated circumstances due to Israel occupation and its inhuman practices including and not limited to borders closure and economic siege on Gaza for more than (10) years.
All of which led to difficulty in securing buildings materials needed to implement a lot of projects in Gaza, as a result of that and as of the complicates nature of projects agreements and businessman relation many conflicts and differences appeared. These conflicts need a quick and practical solution away from courts system which lack the efficiency to implement quick and effective solution.
this research will discuss the engineering arbitration in Palestine and the stages of its development after the end of Ottoman Empire passing through the British occupation and then the Zionist occupation of Palestine, in addition, it will consider the reality of arbitration locally.