Items In 2023 (21)
Dr. Hazem Hamde Eljammale (2023) 1 year ago
The rights of persons in accordance with the provisions of the social legislation in force in Palestine (Other) (Law)

The Palestinian legislator regulated the rights of important groups of society, which we preferred to present to them alone as an important legal issue within the framework of the social legislation in force in Palestine, and for its practical importance as well, so that t . . . read more

Laila A. E. Kanan (2023) 1 year ago
Dr. mohammed nayef hamdi alagha (2023) 1 year ago
Emad Hamdouna (2023) 1 year ago
A Case of the Deal of the Century in Al-Mezan (Other) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

The aim of this project is to translate the text for an English-speaking newspaper (The Guardian . . . read more

Emad Hamdouna (2023) 1 year ago
A Case of the Deal of the Century in Al-Mezan Economic Aspects (Graduate Project) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

The translation of a Source Text (SL) is taken from a 2019-published book called . . . read more

Osama M Ellayan (2023) 1 year ago
Quality of Nursing Services Provided at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (Nicus) at Governmental Hospitals in the Gaza Strip, Palestine (Artical) (Medical Sciences)

Abstract Objective: The overall aim of this study is to assess the quality of nursing care provided to neonate infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in governmental hospitals in the Gaza Strip. Method: We followed a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional desi . . . read more

Mahmoud Ismail Himdiat (2023) 1 year ago
Education Curriculum (Book) (Education)

The book contains the concept of modern curriculum and classical concept Also contains the basic elements of the book (Goals, contents, activities, and Evaluation) A . . . read more

Mahmoud Ismail Himdiat (2023) 1 year ago
General Teaching Methods (Book) (Education)

The book contains the importance of teaching methods and various of the methods classic and modern methods also contains the description

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Dr. Tarek Abu Hjayyer (2023) 1 year ago
The strategic leadership, and its role in risk and crisis management An applying study on Palestinian Governmental Institutions (Thesis) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The problem of the research:

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Dr.Medhat Fawzy Wady (2023) 1 year ago
The role of innovation in the auditing profession in improving the effectiveness of the financial statements (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The innovation in the audit profession has a s . . . read more

Dr.Medhat Fawzy Wady (2023) 1 year ago
The role of auditor effort in rationalizing investment decisions (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

 The performance of the accounting and auditing professions in an in . . . read more

Dr.Medhat Fawzy Wady (2023) 1 year ago
The impact of disclosure of social responsibility costs on the financial performance of Palestinian media organization (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The social responsibility has a great role according on the welf . . . read more

Dr.Medhat Fawzy Wady (2023) 1 year ago
Implications of commitment to accounting disclosure of social responsibility on investment decision-making (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The research paper discussed ident . . . read more

Dr.Medhat Fawzy Wady (2023) 1 year ago
The effect of inflation on the accounting disclosure of the financial statements in the Palestinian economic units (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The present time has been clearly marked by the phenomenon of price change. This situation has provoked the questions on a number of authors, associations, sci . . . read more

Bassam F. I. Hassouna (2023) 1 year ago
The effectiveness of social networks in supporting the issue of prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons (Thesis) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

The study aimed to identify how the freed prisoners' use the social media and their satisfaction on it, . . . read more

NASSER H. T. ALARINI (2023) 1 year ago
""Development of the communication process in public relations departments in government institutions" (Thesis) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)



The aim of the current study is to foster the communication . . . read more

Saadi A. H. Eldour (2023) 1 year ago
Evaluating The Role of Public Relations and its Programs in Palestinian Universities in the Light of Technological Media (Empirical Study) (Thesis) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

its programs in the Palestinian universities in the light of technological media. The . . . read more

nermeen saleh (2023) 1 year ago
Challenges Facing Women in the Palestinian Job Market (monograph) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

Working women are considered a key pillar of economic growth and social development, yet they face several challenges and difficulties in the workplace. These challenges include gender discrimination, the difficulty of balancing work and personal life, lack of social support, domestic violence, a . . . read more

Ali Alian (2023) 1 year ago
Fish Farming in Palestine (monograph) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

Fish farming is one of the solutions available to many countries to reduce the shortage of fish stocks and meet the population's needs for fish and it is one of the solutions that Palestine has adopted to combat the Israeli blockade. Furthermore, the obstacles imposed by the Israeli army on f . . . read more

Adham Khader Al-Majdalawi (2023) 1 year ago
Israeli administrative detention against Palestinians (monograph) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

The Israeli occupation authorities continue their escalating violations against the Palestinians, and the occupation government follows the policy of administrative detention against the Palestinians in an increasing and illegal way. This is the detention on which the occupation authorities rely . . . read more

Mu'tasim Maher Fares (2023) 1 year ago
Drinking water crisis in the Gaza Strip (monograph) (Deanship Of Graduate Studies And Scientific Research)

The drinking water crisis in the Gaza Strip is considered one of the most pressing issues facing its population, especially given the region's highest population growth rate in the world. This crisis stems from the diminishing sources through which safe drinking water used to be provided, pri . . . read more