Items In 2016 (12)
Dr. Hazem Hamde Eljammale (2016) 1 year ago
Dr. Hazem Hamde Eljammale (2016) 1 year ago
Mohammedwesam Amer (2016) 1 year ago
War Reporting in the International Press: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Gaza War of 2008-2009 (monograph) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

This study analyses the representation of social actors in reports on the Gaza war of 2008-09 in four int . . . read more

Mohammedwesam Amer (2016) 1 year ago
Hashtag of Palestine 2016 (Artical) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

In its first chapter, the report presents statistics on network connectivity and the use of social media among Palestinians, whether in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, or the 1948 lands. In the second chapter, the report presents a number of hashtags that garnered the most interaction for the year 201 . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2016) 1 year ago
Determine the administrative creativity level and its influence of developing the quality of the touristic services (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aims to determine the administrative creativity level and its influence o . . . read more

Ali Hassan Abu-Jarad (2016) 1 year ago
The reality of adopting dimensions of social responsibility in private universities and their role in achieving institutional excellence. Gaza University - a model (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This research paper aims at identifying the reality of adopting social responsibility dimensions in private universities and their role in achieving institutional distinction.  . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2016) 1 year ago
Strategic alliances between Palestinian universities and their role in developing Educational services (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The objective of this research is to identify the requirements of strategic alliances between Palestinian universities to improve the quality of educational services. To achieve this objective, the researcher used three methods of analysis, including a questionnaire distributed to (50) of academi . . . read more

Dr.Seham Abou ALAMRAIN (2016) 1 year ago
The contribution of Palestinian women in the field of translation (monograph) (Education)

 Despite the rich contribution of Palestinian women in the field of translation 

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Dr.Seham Abou ALAMRAIN (2016) 1 year ago
The issue of Arabized, generated , and colloquial terms (monograph) (Education)

The issue of Arabized, generated , and  colloquial terms has been  an old phenomenon that attracted the attention of both  linguists and grammarians so much that they devoted  . . . read more

Dr. Tarek Abu Hjayyer (2016) 1 year ago
A Rahim, Afiq Izzudin (2016) 1 year ago
▪ European Journal of Business and Management - The conceptual perspective of the Determinants of Government’s Information Technology Innovativeness 2016 (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences) The conceptual perspective of the Determinants of Government’s Information Technology Innovativeness 2016 . . . read more
ANAS R.M. LUBBAD (2016) 1 year ago
▪ Information and Knowledge Management - The conceptual perspective of the Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in the Information Technology Innovativeness and Adoption Decision. 2016 (Artical) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

Government Information Technology Innovativeness defined as notion of openness to new information technology ideas in the government as an aspect of an organizational culture. In adopting the information technology innovativeness, organizational culture plays a crucial role. Misunderstood organiz . . . read more