Items In Book (4)
Mohammedwesam Amer (2022) 1 year ago
The Palestinian Issue in the New Media and the Structure of Media Discourse (Book) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

This book examines the . . . read more

Mahmoud Ismail Himdiat (2023) 1 year ago
Education Curriculum (Book) (Education)

The book contains the concept of modern curriculum and classical concept Also contains the basic elements of the book (Goals, contents, activities, and Evaluation) A . . . read more

Mahmoud Ismail Himdiat (2023) 1 year ago
General Teaching Methods (Book) (Education)

The book contains the importance of teaching methods and various of the methods classic and modern methods also contains the description

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Dr.Seham Abou ALAMRAIN (2018) 1 year ago
The world of Ghareeb Askelani novelist Vision and tool (Book) (Education)

The world of  Ghareeb Askelani novelist Vision and tool

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