Items In DR.khalil M.A ALboursh (3)
DR.khalil M.A ALboursh (2019) 1 year ago
قانون التحكيم الفلسطيني مقارنة بقوانين التحكيم في الوطن العربي (Artical) (الهندسة)

يحتل التحكيم الهندسي في الوطن العربي مكانة هامة بين وس . . . read more

DR.khalil M.A ALboursh (2019) 1 year ago
Modeling Disputes -RMFA- as Decision Support System -DSS-To Proceed Through Arbitration (Artical) (الهندسة)

Abstract—Although the scale size of disputes in construction projects mainly follows the claim amount disputed, going through arbitration is considered as a one scale from the client point of view. So, study of foreseen risks for current and future situations is worthwhile to move in effect . . . read more

DR.khalil M.A ALboursh (2020) 1 year ago
واقع التحكيم الهندسي في قطاع غزة ومراحل تطوره (Artical) (الهندسة)

The Construction sector is in extraordinary and complicated circumstances due to Israel occupation and its inhuman practices including and not limited to borders clo . . . read more