Items In Ghada Alraee (2)
Ghada Alraee (2014) 2 years ago
Transformation of Siege into Feelings in the Palestinian Cinema (Thesis) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

The Oslo Accords were seen as a step forward towards the establishment of the independent Palestine. These accords put an end to the First Intifada and led to the creation of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), which generated a state of hopefulness among the Palestinians generally. Yet, un . . . read more

Ghada Alraee (2018) 1 year ago
The Coverage of the Multi-Sided War on IS in Syria by AJA and RT (Thesis) (Communication Sciences And Languages)

International divisions over Syria’s internal crisis have shaped the map of the war against international terrorism which has erupted amid anti-government protests. Since September 2015, Syria has witnessed a multi-sided war on the Islamic State organisation (IS) as the US-led coalition and . . . read more