DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2022) 1 year ago
DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2022) 1 year ago
Financial Inclusion and the Performance of Banking Sector in Palestine (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

Despite evidence on the social and economic importance of financial inclusion (FI), the
relationship between FI and bank profitability remains unclear. In this research, we evaluated the
association between financial inclusion and the performance of banks in Palestine using dynamic< . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2016) 1 year ago
Determine the administrative creativity level and its influence of developing the quality of the touristic services (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aims to determine the administrative creativity level and its influence o . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2020) 1 year ago
The Relationship between GHRM Practices and Organizational Performance "Case study: Gaza University (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aimed to identify the relationship between green human resource management practices and organizational
performance. The case study conducted on Gaza University employees in Palestine. The sample of the study was complete census
(100) employees using questionnaire as a ma . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2020) 1 year ago
The Role of Servant Leadership in Achieving Administrative Creativity- An Empirical Study on University of Palestine (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aimed at identifying The Role of Servant Leadership in Achieving Admin . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2020) 1 year ago
The Relationship Between Destructive Leadership and Organizational Silence " An Empirical study on Ministry Of Social Development in Gaza " (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aimed to identify the relationship between destructive leadership and . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2016) 1 year ago
Strategic alliances between Palestinian universities and their role in developing Educational services (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

The objective of this research is to identify the requirements of strategic alliances between Palestinian universities to improve the quality of educational services. To achieve this objective, the researcher used three methods of analysis, including a questionnaire distributed to (50) of academi . . . read more

DR.IBRAHEEM ABU RAHMA (2019) 1 year ago
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Abilities through Various Crowdfunding Models (monograph) (Administrative And Financial Sciences)

This study aims to study different crowdfunding models and how those models enhance entrepreneurial abilities. The
study conducted on Arabic region by using different models of Crowdfunding platforms (reward, donation, equity, lending) as the
field of study.
The population of . . . read more