Items In Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (8)
Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2027) 2 years ago
"Deliberating of the Constitutional Supremacy from the Legal and Judicial Perspective with Special Reference to the Palestinian Situation" (Artical) (Law)

The system of government considers constitutional supremacy in which the freedom of the legislature of parliamentary supremacy relinquishes to the requirements of a constitution. This article examines the constitutional supremacy of basic law from the legal and judicial perspective, particularly . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2021) 2 years ago
The Judiciary in Islamic Law, Palestinian Legislation, and Guarantees of Its Independence (Artical) (Law)

Abstract: The contemplating the constitutional and legal system of democratic countries, they unite on the principle of the independence of the judiciary until it became a constitutional principle related to the protection of human rights, which is a natural effect of the existence of a judiciary . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2020) 2 years ago

The Palestinian Basic Law of 2003 affirmed in Article (71) of it about the Presidential Powers of the Palestinian Minister. The Palestinian Minister has the presidential powers that enable him to control the persons and works of his ministry’s employees because minister is considered the su . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2022) 2 years ago
Separation of Powers in the Palestinian Law: Does it Reflect the Democratic System? (A Comparative Approach with Indonesia) (Artical) (Law)

Abstract The principle of separation of powers among the three organs of government i.e., the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary are one of the main pillars of the democratic system. This principle guarantees a balance of powers between these three organs. However, in Palestine, the issue aris . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2020) 2 years ago
Parliamentary Oversight Over the Acts Of Government Under The Palestinian Basic Law Of 2003 (Artical) (Law)

ABSTRACT: Parliamentary oversight is the monitoring method over the acts of government in terms of its
performance of the authorized powers under the Basic Law of 2003. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to
examine the effectiveness of parliamentary oversight over the govern . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2022) 2 years ago
Mechanisms of the Legal Protection of Human Rights in Global Regulation (Artical) (Law)

This article addressed the issue of violations and infringements by presenting a legal study of the most important human rights protection mechanisms at the level of global regulation. The scientific necessity necessitated the study of the role of international bodies in the field of human rights . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2018) 2 years ago
The Functional Position of the Minister within Palestinian Law "Analytical Study" (Thesis) (Law)

لقد أرسى القانون الأساسي الفلسطيني المعدل لسنة ) 2003 م( وتعديلاته، مجموعة من القواعد
القانونية المنظمة للمركز الوظيفي للوزير وعلاقته بمركزه القانوني، وهو ما يُ . . . read more

Dr. Ahmed M Hamad (2020) 2 years ago
The Legal Responsibility for the Public Legal Person in the Palestinian Law An Analytical Study (Artical) (Law)

The existence of a legal person in private law was earlier than in public law, but with the increasing importance of his contact with all branches of law. The public legal person appeared alongside his private counterpart, and the public legal person became great importance in public law beyond h . . . read more