Social Media and Terrorism Studies: Issues, Methodological Challenges and Opportunities Mohammedwesam Amer

Mohammedwesam Amer (2020) Social Media and Terrorism Studies: Issues, Methodological Challenges and Opportunities Mohammedwesam Amer , Communication Sciences And Languages .

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This paper presents a theoretical context on social media and terrorism research as well as the current challenges in such studies both from conceptual and operational points of view. The paper makes specific reference to the case of researching Islamic State as a case in point in analysing their social media practices and strategies. The paper aims to engage with discussions around logistics of research, methodologies of data mining and selection along with providing some tentative solutions around these challenges.

KeyWords : ISIS, digital media, discourse analysis
Auther: Mohammedwesam Amer
Item Type : Artical
Subject : Communication Sciences And Languages
Magazine : Cambridge Scholar Publisher
Depositing User: : د. محمد وسام عبد العزيز عامر
Date Deposited : 10 January, 2023
Last Modified : 15 January, 2023