The role of e-project education strategy in increasing the efficiency of research performance in universities - a field study on Palestinian and foreign universities

samia abd menam (2017) The role of e-project education strategy in increasing the efficiency of research performance in universities - a field study on Palestinian and foreign universities , Administrative And Financial Sciences .

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The study aimed to identify the role of e-learning projects strategy to increase research performance efficiency in universities. The descriptive analysis method was used. A questionnaire was built and distributed to a stratified random sample of graduate and undergraduate student. Spss grogram was used to test the study hypotheses. The study found a positive association between the use of e-learning projects and increase research performance efficiency. The study recommended the need to increase the use of e-learning projects strategy because of its direct impact in increasing the efficiency of research performance.

KeyWords : استراتيجيات التعلم بالمشاريع الالكتروني، كفاءة البحثى ، الجامعات
Auther: samia abd menam
Item Type : monograph
Subject : Administrative And Financial Sciences
Magazine : مجلة قناة السويس للعلوم الإدارية
Depositing User: : د.سامية عبدالله محمد عبد المنعم
Date Deposited : 22 January, 2023
Last Modified : 11 February, 2023