randa mohammed mohammed hamoda (2021) Morpho phonological issuses in the Qura’nic stories: Adescnpteve Analytical study , Education .
This study is concerned with "acoustic and morphological issues in Quranic stories", a descriptive and analytical study, which reveals the aesthetics of structures, morphological and phonetic systems for these stories, and their use in the Holy Quran to reach their purposes of text, guidance and preaching.
The importance of the study is initially represented through the study of Holy Quran, the miraculous text with its structures, words, and meanings, seeking to clarify the aspects of linguistic miracles in these stories, and to clarify the distinction of the Quranic phonetic and morphological structure compared to other linguistic structures. The Quranic systems and the hidden miracles and connotations lie in its folds, taking the descriptive-analytical approach as a guide for it.
The study’s proposal proceeds to reach its objectives in an introduction and then a preface, followed by three chapters. The introduction clarifies the reason behind the topic’s choice, the importance of the study, the objectives of the study, etc. The preface includes two sections, the first dealing with the Arabic language and the Holy Quran, and the second studies phonology and morphology and their relationship to semantics and the Holy Quran.
The first chapter, titled “Alqisas Alqurania [Quranic Stories]”, deals with the Quranic structure and its characteristics, the definition of Quranic stories linguistically and idiomatically, the difference between Quranic stories and literary stories, a dialogue about the types of Quranic stories, the number of chapters and verses related to Quranic stories, the importance of Quranic stories, and other matters.
Moreover, the second chapter deals with various phonetic issues, namely the issue of audio clarity, sound analogy, slurring, and vocal contravention, while the third chapter discusses morphological issues, in which the issue of conjugation of verbs, auxiliary verbs, conjugation of nouns, derivatives, and then plurals of its three types. The study’s conclusion in which the researcher reached a set of results, most notably that the story is a very important learning method used by the Holy Quran, and its diversity confirms the importance of benefiting from it in various fields of life.
The Quranic stories represent a system replete with what it contains of phonetic and morphological connotations that contribute to the development of linguistics, where the Quranic miracle is highlighted in the use of wonderful narrative proverbs due to the success and excellence, they achieve in achieving lofty goals and noble purposes.