The impact of bank credit on economic growth in Palestine Analytical study for the period (1994-2016)

yousef mustafa daib salibi (2018) The impact of bank credit on economic growth in Palestine Analytical study for the period (1994-2016) , Administrative And Financial Sciences .

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which credit granted to economic sectors from commercial banks contributed to economic growth during the period 1994-2016. To achieve this objective, a standard model was proposed based on simple regression analysis to determine the effect of credit facilities on real GDP growth, The main findings of the study are the existence of a positive relationship between credit facilities granted by commercial banks and GDP, where there is a causal relationship between the bank credit and the size of the GDP, that each affects the other Although GDP affects a larger proportion of bank credit, the study shows that each increase in GDP will lead to a 1.56% increase in bank credit. Conversely, if bank credit increases by 1% The increase in domestic product by the bank credit rate by only 0.19%, ie that bank credit affects positively, but not the level required to ensure economic development. 

 One of the most important recommendations was the need for the PMA to strengthen its monetary policy in a manner that would lead to the regulation of the Palestinian banking system. 


KeyWords : الائتمان المصرفي
Auther: yousef mustafa daib salibi
Item Type : monograph
Subject : Administrative And Financial Sciences
Magazine : المجلة المصرية للدراسات الاقتصادية
Depositing User: : أ. أ.يوسف مصطفى الصليبي
Date Deposited : 20 January, 2023
Last Modified : 22 January, 2023