Dr. Rana Fathi Al-aloul (2022) The effectiveness of employing the curriculum theater in developing mathematical problem-solving skills among students of the lower basic stage in Gaza Governorate , Education .
This study aimed to see the effectiveness of using curriculum dramatization strategy in developing of mathematical solving problems skills for the students of primary grade in Gaza government. The problem has been specified in the following main questions: 1. What is the effectiveness of using curriculum dramatization strategy of developing mathematical solving problems for fourth grade in Gaza? Regarding this question, there are some sub – questions are derived which result in the following question: 2. Is there statistically significant difference at (α ≤0.05) between the experimental group which taught by using curriculum dramatization strategy and the control group, which taught by the traditional method in the post exam? The study sample consist of (78) female students of the fourth primary grade of Om-Elqura primary school. 268 The researcher selected intentionally consist of two branches one of (39) students and the other is control group which consist of (39) students also. The researcher prepared teacher book to be used in curriculum dramatization strategy. The study concluded the following result: 1. Significant differences at (α ≤0.05) between the experimental group which use curriculum dramatization and the group which does not use curriculum dramatization, that in developing mathematical solving problem skills to the students of experimental group. 2. According to the pre–mentioned result the researcher has put a number of recommendations and suggestions for the researchers, the curriculum formers the supervisors and decision makers that show the necessity of using curriculum dramatization strategy in teaching