Knowledge Sharing Culture in Libyan Organizations

ابراهيم يوسف سكر (2011) Knowledge Sharing Culture in Libyan Organizations , علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات .

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knowledge sharing culture is a critical success factor in order to implement a knowledge management strategy in any organization. A culture of sharing is one of the most issues facing any organizations to change and encourage their people to share the knowledge they have .This study was conducted to investigate the current status of the knowledge sharing culture in a public Libyan construction company as a target company to implement a knowledge management system. A closed-ended questionnaire survey was used as a technique for conducting this study. The study shows that the current status of the knowledge sharing culture in the target company is very low. Also, the target company should create a better knowledge sharing environment and technology.

كلمات دلالية : Knowledge technology, knowledge management, knowledge sharing and organizational culture.
الكاتب: ابراهيم يوسف سكر
نوع العنصر : بند مؤتمر / ورشة عمل
موضوع : علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
مجلة : International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Sciences (ICMESS'2011) Bangkok
اضافة بواسطة: : د. ابراهيم يوسف سكر
تاريخ الاضافة : 11 January, 2023
أخر تعديل : 17 January, 2023
رابط : اضغط هنا