Job Tracking System for Performance Management in Aviation MRO

ابراهيم يوسف سكر (2012) Job Tracking System for Performance Management in Aviation MRO , علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات .

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The performance and competitiveness of the Maintenance Repair & Overhaul MRO industry is dependent on the productivity, efficiency, availability, and utilization of their resources. To ensure the resources are efficiently utilized and the planned work is well performed, the managers need to monitor and track the process and the activities of the MRO jobshop for each work order. This can be achieved through the tracking of the component received by each department of the MRO and capturing the time and material consumed in each repairing or overhauling activity. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a method of Job Tracking System (JTS) used as Performance management System in jobshop. A set of Key Performance Indicators based on cause-effect is proposed to help the managements in judgement and decision making in the workflow and production path.

كلمات دلالية : Key Performance Indicators, Manpower Planning, MRO, PMS.
الكاتب: ابراهيم يوسف سكر
نوع العنصر : بند مؤتمر / ورشة عمل
موضوع : علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
مجلة : IEEE
اضافة بواسطة: : د. ابراهيم يوسف سكر
تاريخ الاضافة : 14 January, 2023
أخر تعديل : 16 January, 2023
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